New mp3 player..

Ladies and gentlemen.. I proudly introduce my new Flash mp3 Player to broaden my audience.. Hehe.. :p

See under the Miscellaneous section down there, you'll see a nifty flash gadget playing a playlist of my two favorite songs. Well, I've plenty of favorite songs right now, but I'm just too lazy to upload them.. Hehe.. :p Anyway, I got this li'l nifty gadget after googling for a flash based mp3 player since not everybody have a Quicktime or Windows Media Player or Real Media installed correctly to manage mp3 streams. Why Flash-based-tools? Here's one answer.. Thanks to this gal (or guy?) who eventually wrote other cool flash-based-gadgets. Just check her site for more infos.

Oya, I also replace that dumb sideblog with my very own *dumber* sideblog which actually is an iframe loading my other blog.. :p You can get the explanation in Blogger Help about posting multiple blog at the same page. It's very easy yet so dumb but working.. :p

Peace. Out.