Bu Kalp Seni Unuturmu..

WARNING!!! All of the material below is only opinions mumblings, the whole are written as a space-separated-words. It might be: provocative and OFFENSIVE to the mind. Not recommended for reader under 9, reader under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian. This post also contain strong technical jargon, do NOT read unless you're ready to have a damaged brain, disfunctional digestive system, or heart attack. This post is provided as is. Only for the one who really understand the inside of me. Read on your own risk.

Iya, gw tau bakal basi banget klo mo nerusin post bulan *kmaren*, makanya gak gw terusin.. Masa makanan basi disuguhin, kan penghinaan terhadap kode etik blog dan perikeblogan.. *maksa* Makanya posting sekarang gak nyambung sama bulan kmaren.. *males mode ON* You know what I mean rite? Hehe.. ;p

Below is the main post. It will be updated everytime I get the splashes..
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serendipity content virtual-network rumput-hijau kalp voll kanariya love mixed kernel nose smile eneg remember secret tulus virtual-machine Schloss laugh tunduh TTM admire traurig thin-client langit-biru giggles pegel bad-day hope tough patch swords krabbeln hair shakira like missing install Pferd pimple hands buzz

Peace. Out.